Monday, April 9, 2012

A Bad Case of Stripes

The story of A Bad Case of Stripes by David Shannon is another great book to bring into the classroom. It brings mystery of why Camilla has stripes all over her body. Then it gets worse, she turns into different colors and different patterns and nobody can tell why she's like that. The only thing she can think about is her not eating her favorite food, lima beans. The ending has a great meaning that no matter what people think, do what you want and do what makes you happy. Everyone likes different things and they all have different interests and it's always okay to be different.

A fun activity you can do is before the ending of the story, ask the kids what they think the reason for Camilla's case of "stripes" is. And what they can do to fix her. Nobody's answer is right or wrong, it's all just fun and allows them to play doctor and detective at the same time.

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