Monday, April 9, 2012

Mama, Do You Love Me?

This is a story about a little girl who keeps asking her mom if she does certain things, will she still love her. And of course the mother will always love her no matter what she does or says. It's a wonderful book to read with your children as a bedtime story or just to read aloud with them. It's a sweet book that has a powerful message that no matter what her mother will always love her.

The author Barbra M. Joosse did a great job incorporating the heritage of Native American's in the story by using different pictures that represent Native's and even words and animals. In the back of the book are all of the words that a student might not know and the meaning of them and what they do.

An activity you can do with the class is to write down something special to their parents to say, "I will love you, forever and for always, because you are my Dear One."

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